To mark the 75th Anniversary of “Lilly Bell II”, a USAAF C47, crashing at Jacobs Well near Guildford in Surrey, we meet at the memorial plaque near the crash site to talk to Guildford historian David Rose.

The museum’s Dakota/C47 fuselage carries the markings of “Lilly Bell II” in tribute to its crew:

  • 1st Lieutenant Mercer Wilson Avent, Pilot, 28 years old
  • Flight Officer John Edmund Wright, acting Co-Pilot, 32 years old
  • Technical Sergeant John R. Hillmer, Crew Chief / Flight Engineer, 21 years old
  • Staff Sergeant Dale E. Dellinger, Radio Operator, 21 years old 

For more information:

Guildford Dragon News – The WWII Crash of C47 ‘Lilly Bell II’

Keep up to date with the Wings Museum Podcast

3 thoughts on “Podcast – Lilly Bell II – 75 years since the C47 crashed near Guildford”

  1. I’m John Wright, son of John Edmund Wright, co-pilot of the Lilly Bell II. My wife’s trainer found your web site and recommended it to us. It’s a wonderful interview with David, quite complete and accurate. I will forward the URL for this podcast to the Nichols, New York, Armerican Legion Post 1624. Nichols is my Dad’s home town. The Post is named after my Dad. I am sure they will be interested in listening to this Podcast and maybe visiting the Wing’s Museum and the crash site. Thank you so much for keeping the dedication of our soldiers in our minds. It is important for our future freedom.

    1. Hello John,
      Many thanks for your kind words, and please do share the podcast with anyone who may share our interest. Please also thank your wife’s trainer for spotting us!
      David Rose was indeed an ideal interviewee, knowledgeable and great to talk to. I shall pass on your message to him.
      Should you or any of the American Legion Post 1624 plan to make their way over here, please do ask them to get in touch. There will be a warm welcome waiting for them.
      All the very best,

  2. I’ve shared this onto my FB group Bonny’s England which has many American followers. I lived nearby for 28 years but now live in Brighton Sussex so continue to follow Guildford Local history news.

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