At Wings Museum we are lucky enough to possess and display a number of items that have often proved desirable for use as props and sets, as well as interview locations and backgrounds.
Items and exhibits have been used in film and television, drama and documentary, as well as photographic shoots.
Please do get in touch to discuss your requirements: info@wingsmuseum.co.uk or 07769 688064.
Amongst others within our collection, the following aviation and World War Two related items are available for hire for TV and filming.
Douglas DC-3/C-47 Dakota Cockpit Film Prop

Fully equiped DC-3/C-47 cockpit section, includes removable canopy section to achieve greater field of vison for filming.
This cockpit section was used in the filming of ‘Band of Brothers’. Also available for hire is a DC-3/C-47 fuselage.
Douglas DC-3/C-47 Dakota Fuselage Film Prop

Ex Band of Brothers C-47/DC-3 Fuselage section available for TV Film work. Recently used for filming of a new horror film which involved a night shoot.
World War Two Morrison and Anderson Shelters

1939 Vickers Searchlight
We have a restored 1939 Vickers Metropolitan Searchlight.
1934 Austin 7
Our 1934 Austin 7 is restored and roadworthy.

The DUKW is an amphibious six-wheel-drive transport vehicle used extensively by the US troops during World War Two, including with distinction on the D-Day beaches of Normandy.
Bofors Gun

The Bofors Gun was originally designed as an intermediate anti-aircraft gun.
In its many different forms, in WWII it was used across Europe and North Africa, as well as in Naval variants onboard ships.
Ordnance QF 25-pounder

The Ordnance QF 25-pounder was a piece of field artillery used by British and Commonwealth forces in the Second World War.
It was the most produced and used British field gun and gun-howitzer during the War.